Thursday, August 11, 2011

What you won't do for love?

Well, it has happened time and time again. People fall in love and then some lose all sense of themselves. Has this happened to you? Go ahead, lie! and say "Never me" The truth is real love is stronger than pride and sometimes you will find yourself putting up with things you said you would never do or doing something for your mate you said you will never do! (get your mind out the gutter) <----Well that
As I write this I can't help but think about Bobby Caldwell's song "What you won't do for love"

So tell me what will you NOT do for love or what have you done that you said you will never do? While you ponder that listen to the song below....


MsClutchPearls said...

I will start it off, I said I would never date a man who doesn't know how to manage his finances but boy was I wrong...Not only did I date him but he would always go for broke every weekend. Would always say, "I am broke" there is nothing worst than a man saying he is BROKE! it sounds so defeated.

Lea said...

I will not lower my standards by dating someone who is allergic to commitment. Also, if the only way we communicate is by text and we never actually call each other- I won't do that for love.

Anonymous said...

As humans we have a tendency to say "NEVER". Until you are actually in a situation you can not say that. We can always give advice and say I would never do this or I would never do that. Like you said, I would NEVER date a broke person. The difference is having a broke mentality. Some men can learn to save if they have the right woman with them. Some just dont know how to change their way of thinking, but if you can then you will Never have to say Never...(smile). Just remember you could be the one with financial difficulties and the perfect man could find you. So its possible you could do the same.

MsClutchPearls said...

Yes the point is not that he is broke, but that his mentality was broke with his pockets.... No woman wants to see a broken man. It's been plenty of times I have had not but you couldn't tell..because I didn't let my pockets dictate my attitude. I have faith that God will work it out and I am good.

TV said... didn't just step on my toes, you stomped on them. I must tag on to Afrodesia, I said I would never date a man who either couldn't manage his finances or he didn't want me to HELP manage his finances. Lord help.. He just lied and flat out didn't have any finances. As far as what I won't do for love, wow, I'm still living and learning so I can't answer that question yet.

MsClutchPearls said...

I also said I would never stay with a man after he cheated on me or get back with him....did that as well...

A Man's Thoughts said...

So it sounds like Anonymous is cant really say "never".

Alex Fingers said...

I think expectations are the death of any relationship. Getting to know each other should be simply that. There are no Mr./Mrs. right, rather Mr./ Mrs. we vibe well together right now. Living in the world of the relative where everything is simply that, trying to make everything absolute is where the expectation come in, hence the problem. Lets not focus so much on finding LOVE right now but rather building a relationship with fertile grounds. That relationship has the propensity to BE what u yall WILL it to BE. Stay in the Present! HOTEP!!!