Friday, August 12, 2011

Real Love

Last night before I went to bed I had a thought to come in my head. First it started by question I asked myself. That question was, "Have I ever experienced Real Love?" and by my own definition of what love is, I have to honestly say no!. Don't get me wrong I have given love and sometimes I think I gave too much love out. Some love should be on reserve because I felt like I loved like a wife should love but I was only at girlfriend status. (ponder that for minute). By my definition love is being who you are 100%. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that love doesn't change you because it most definitely change you for the better if it's real love, but that change is NOT because the person you're dating wants you to change it's because you realized YOU want to change. It's the ultimate sacrifice that we change not because we were asked but because you know this is something you need to change about yourself and you're willing to do it because that person makes you want to do better and be better.

I digress.

Now anyone who knows me, knows that I AM MUSIC! It lives inside of me its part of my everyday and it takes up every hour of my life. I am always singing, always listening and always sharing MUSIC. I looked back on one of my relationships and we did not connect musically at all. It got to a point where I stopped singing, listening and sharing music as much as I would normally. I became someone I did not know and why because we did not connect with something that is a part of me. Now I know you're saying, "It's just music, that's not a big deal!" but you could be so wrong, the things you like and are passionate about shape your personality and your character. He couldn't connect with my passion therefore we couldn't connect because that is who I am. I stopped being who I am, because I wanted us to connect but now I realize that when real love comes we both will LOVE music.

So have you ever experienced real love (real love=reciprocal)?
Listen to Mary J. Blige's Real Love as you ponder that thought~


Asimplejoy said...

I can truly say that I haven't been in "LOVE". Mainly because the real relationships that I have had were mainly in college and "puppy love" don't count.........LOL But as an adult I find that I normally don't give "all" of myself. I usually have one foot in and one foot out, I think that I have the mentality (in the past of course) that I wanted to be prepared just in case it didn't work out. To be honest I am prepared to put myself out there but only for the right person and I don't think it takes years to know if that person is right for you (GREAT NEXT TOPIC).........LOL It will take a strong man to look pass my nonchalant, non-sensitive face attitude but I believe he is out there...........(In a silent prayer to God "Can he please be over 6 feet tall???"")

MsClutchPearls said...

Asimplejoy, that's hilarious, God looking down at you saying "COME ON?"....See God has a sense of humor, you will fall in love with a short man

Allen White said...

Even at a young age I can say I experienced "LOVE" but can honestly say that it was the kind of love I wasnt ready for. I agree with you when you said love can cause you to make sacrifices but I feel that if someone isnt ready to make those sacrifices tha doesnt mean they were any less in love. I think as we mature we are able to make those sacrifices that someone might not be ready to or even should have to at a young age if they have prioritized their life in different ways i.e. career and education. Just my two cents

Nylajar said...

Well, I must admit that I have loved beyond the boundaries that love sometimes tend to present for itself. I have loved unconditionally to the point that love didn't even know what conditions needed to be met to even embrace my emotions….yeah, that sounds crazy but I love loving someone, I just love to love but sadly, it is not us that do not know how to love, it is those that we love that do not know how to receive it.

Many of us find ourselves afraid to love so openly and giving because we don't want to hurt but what we fail to realize is true love doesn't hurt you, it is the people that you love that hurt you. Now many of us find conflicting definitions of what love is and honestly, no one can actually define the word because whether we want to believe it or not, there is no true definition of love – love is defined by the person who is giving it because sometimes people only know how to love the way they have been loved and therefore, they feel that is the way you should love. Sometimes, people are taught how to love because of examples or even experiences that they have received from someone that loved them. My ex used to tell me that just because he didn’t do the things I did to show him I loved him, did not mean he didn’t love me. People say love is a an action verb and that is true; you should SHOW people you love them but just because someone doesn’t physically show you the way you want them to show you, doesn’t mean we should discredit their feelings.

Sometimes people don’t realize they loved someone until they no longer have that person to love. So love itself is defined and experienced in so many ways but when you do feel it, OMG!!! It is the most amazing feeling anyone can possess. It makes you quiver inside and you find yourself constantly smiling and feeling so good spiritually, emotionally, mentally and sexually…Nonetheless, no one (and I don’t need statistics to prove my fact…lol), I mean no one will ever be able to love anyone until they can truly love themselves…I mean flaws and all! When I say love yourself, love who you are, love yourself spiritually, love yourself mentally, love yourself sexually, love yourself emotionally; love being YOU and when you find yourself so in love with YOU; you will want to share it with someone else so selflessly…

Nylajar said...

Asimplyjoy...Girl, I feel ya! I need 6 feet 2 inches just in case I have on

Allen, you are so right about maturity...maturity reigns in anything in life...a person's age doesn't hold nearly as much weight as their maturity.

B said...

I've been blessed to have some pretty decent relationships throughout my life, so I can truly say that I've been in love twice. The first time eventhough we were adults we were both too young for it to end "happily ever after." However it did lay the foundation for all of my relationships from then on. I know that if it wasn't for what I experienced early in my adult life I may have settled and not be in the position I am in love (again) and happy!

MsClutchPearls said...

Nylajar, wow you said a mouthful. I think what stood out to me the most is when you said, " it is not us that do not know how to love, it is those that we love that do not know how to receive it" That is so true. I think I tend to fall in love with men who do not know how to receive love and therefore I have robbed myself of feeling it truly reciprocated to my level. Now don't get me wrong they all said they loved me but it wasnt the level of love I desired. Great insight~

Anonymous said...

written by Vincent

First off stop being so sappy blog about football coming back, or lil wayne album dropping on the 28th

I digress out in these streets

First and foremost i give honor to God who is the head of my life, the deacon board and the ministry of giving...

Music is in my blood son, I feel writing and music were my calling and i don't do either well... but i can read and listen with the best of them. If your not compatable musically with someone how you going to relate to them on an unrelatable level? music is heard but not seen but loved as thou it was ken. Music blends love and art together so seamlessly. Music is a past time, and a real time, and an all time, music is timeless, music is passion, music is art, music is awesome dude. but enough about music, lets get to the meat of the blog

yo ass is single, and i wish someone could relate to you. i wish someone would scoop you up, and make you his own, you are an awesome madam, and i have known you for 7 minutes... when some one understand your love of music and love for funny looking pies that sound delicious you will write about love and pass times! peace out in this piece

yeah i aint proof read sue me