Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So do you really love Black Women?

I am starting to wonder if black men really love black women or do they like a chemical altered version of a black women I mean really. I am a very attractive young lady and my hair is natural. No perm. No texturizer. It is just the way God made it. When I wear extensions in my hair, the same men who ignore me, when my hair is natural all of suddenly are all over me. I mean what is it really when a black man cant appreciate a black womans beauty with out her hair straight or with out a european weave? Can we really blame it on the media like we do everything else? How many women can truly say they love the way God made them? Maybe it is our insecurities.....


MsClutchPearls said...

This a good one, I never have wore my hair natural. I think I need to test this theory out to see.

Anonymous said...

To me, this is a washed up topic. Here's why in my opinion. First of all just because a brother is not attracted to a woman whose hair is natural (and I'm assuming she is rocking a fro) doesn't mean he does not love black women. It simply means he's not attractive that particular natural look.

Big Texas said...

Are you serious????
I have a question on that same topic.
Do you act the same, carry yourself in the same manner, do you smile the same, walk the same, wear the same outfits or style clothes?
If your answer is yes black woman then yes he, that black man is attractive to your hair along with other features you have.
But when you add the weave do you notice the men that don't like you that were digging you before? Do you even care about them?

Come on SISTA we love black women and some of us are color struck, hair struck, body parts struck etc. etc.
You win some and lose some with the weave. But to question do we love black women ... now thats low. We love you even with the things we complain about.

MsClutchPearls said...

It's kinda harsh to say that a topic is washed up if you aren't the one dealing with on a day to day basis.

But good point, tells why you are attracted to the sistas who have weaves on relaxed hairdos

MsClutchPearls said...

Big Texas, you touch my heart with that one. Yes you are correct because I wear my hair relaxed all the time so does that make me less of a black woman? I think not!

That's just my style! I still black before and after the relaxer!

Mrs. Fashion said...

"natural look"? is your skin color a "look"? or is that the color you were born with? (think about) This is my point I dont care if its a fro, dreads, twists, knots, puffs, braids whatever. I have had men complain to me about me wearing my hair natural or tell me how beautiful I am but "why are you wearing your hair natural" I am just curious.....

Anonymous said...

To call black women with perms, weave and texturizers "watered down" is insulting. My point before, women will tear each other down quicker then a man ever will.

Your hair doesnt change whoyou are, its a matter of preference. I get more attention when I wear slacks, button down shirt and a blazer then when I am casual with a tshirt and jeans, doesnt mean a woman doesnt appreciate my look, some appreciate a "different" look. Me personally, I dont care for the "natural" look, I like long straight/curly hair. I have no less love for a women that chooses to wear her hair that way, because in the end, your hair isn't what is going to keep me there.

Mrs. Fashion said...

and please let it be known that I am not anti-press, perm, or weave. I am a very confident women and yes I carry myself the same way at all times. Thank God somebody invented the perm cause what would black america do with out it?

MsClutchPearls said...

Big Texas, if the post are childish then you seem to be having a field day commenting.

I always been told to responds to things or put action behind things that are worthy of my level.

Yet you hold nothing back! I admire that!

But sweet heart I did not post this topic!

Anonymous said...

You need to ask "those" men who stated that to you why they felt that way. Wearing your hair natural is a look. I know women whose "natural" hair texture is long and curly, do you hold that against them? Perming, relaxing, is an enhancement of hair. Same way women wear "makeup", "pushup bras" "lip gloss" "boustieas (however you spell it)...you are enhancing your look. You sound strong in your conviction for the natural style, which is fine. But that is your choice, which is your right. Don't knock the other hair "styles" because you have received ill comments for yours. Embrace your choice, and if those men who approach you can't respect your hair, then they aren't the men for you anyway. :)

Mrs. Fashion said...

PVU you are rigt I should say chemically altered version I will change my post

MsClutchPearls said...

Seems like Big Texas( male) is doing great job at tearing down people as well.

So to answer your question PVU finest's I think people in general love to put others down at all cost.

It makes them feel special and create a pseudo sense of communicating effectively.

Big Texas said...

so why are you taking up for whom posted the topic.
I just put it out there because to relate hair texture as to why some black men go the other direction don't relate. But at the same time tried to up the level.
You choose to stay on that same level.
Step your game up your a big girl I know you can run with the big dogs "my queen"
As far as the natural look and hair
#1 stop looking at us as if we are some sort of creature under a microscope being watched and tested at all times (lab rats). We are individuals and not an experiment for women.
afrodesia... you like that one
and i'm not attacking you just making general talk .....lol
And yes I do enjoy all talks with all walks of people

Mrs. Fashion said...

So now I am trying to tear other women down. A few you guys are clearly missing the point here? I love all women and note that I am not saying there is anything wrong with any hair style. I could relax my hair tomorrow that is not the point. " I am not my hair" I just thought and still think it is kinda scary when AAs are appalled by what they see in the mirror.

Mrs. Fashion said...

And quite honestly I think being able to feel comfortable with who you are, in your own skin is empowering women not tearing them down. I am done!

Big Texas said...

remember the last topic ... i will not put you down "my queen" but i will put some nike's on your feet, head and body

MsClutchPearls said...

Big Texas you are truly something else. I am not taking up for anyone but I will protect who ever post and I am not resort having someone comment called "childish" or not on a certain level. I simply say if it beneath you then don't comment boo.

And yes Big Texas I did like that one...........lol

Anonymous said...

We are merely responding to what you posted. If I put up a post that said "I wonder do women really like a black men or they do they like the steroid enhanced version" of them, is that not putting down men who do steroids? I mean seriously.....I think women think too deep into the equation sometimes. We (men) dont think so deep into the issues, maybe that can be a fault sometimes, but it saves for less drama. We dont sit there and think, hmmm...I wonder what there is to dislike about a black woman today. If I see a woman and she has toenails that are longer then my fingers, I say "hmm, not attractive, oh well" and keep moving. Nothing to fret over, just my perception of what I like. So keep ya hair natural, get a fade, put in Beyonce weave, braid it up, do cornrows, dye it purple or red...you will always have those who like, and those who dislike. So question, if you were dating a guy, and you felt he was the man for you, and he told you "I dont like your hair like that" are you going to stop dating him? Are you going to change your look? Or is he not the man for you or that God has for you because he doesnt like your hair "style"? Inquiring minds what to know! lol

Mrs. Fashion said...

LMAO! that is stupid why would anyone before a man who does steroids? LOL

MsClutchPearls said...

Lol, yeah you kinda lost me on that PVU.

What would you do if the ladies toenails where longer than yours? Would you tell her, babe you need to cut your toenails?

Mrs. Fashion said...

I wouldnt be with him because I love the person I am, I love the way I look and in order for a man to qualify he would have to do the same. Dont get me wrong now I switch it up. Besides that would only make it more exciting for him cause all my "looks" are a good look baby!

Mrs. Fashion said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Ok maybe the steroids were a bad analogy, but I see I have to break it down for ya'll. My point with the steroid analogy was that Mrs. Fashion was tearing women down by her initial statement, sugar coat it how you want, but she was. Secondly, my statement about the toenails is just to say that men dont think so deep into this as you all do. Where Mrs. Fashion took a few statements by a select few men as being "black men dont appreciate black women's beauty" is extreme. We don't take it to the extreme like that. Some men like that kind of style, some don't. Plain and simple. We dont dislike black women, or your beauty, or what you stand for, etc, etc..that was my point. lol