Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spitting Game........

You don't wanna fall in love with me, because falling in love with me and accepting that responsibility means things in your life will automatically change. You can't love me and be the same dude you always been. Loving me is a reponsibility, it comes with being better than you have ever been. You have to pull yourself up by your boot straps and understand that the status quo is not an option. When you love me, you will love like you never loved before. The love I give is so strong, it will give you power to make a difference in the world. I need that C.E.O. love, not that, clean up on aisle 9 love. See you don't wanna fall in love with me, my love requires you not to be lazy it gives you ENERGY. I got that "It gives you WINGS" kinda love, not that "You should had a V8" love....

See I understand if you must move, because my love makes you do things you may not be ready to do...I won't let you love me in the least, I got that maximum love...Naw, you don't wanna fall in love with me....

Random spitting game is an art form, sometimes it's something to laugh at but sometimes it's just a true statement that came out cold as ice..What's the coldest thing you ever said to someone or the best game you ever witness or heard....Come on let's spit some game


Coolloyd said...

I almost fell for it... LOL Good post MsClutchPearls

~A Thorned Rose~ said...

LOL...I liked this!